BOSS Awards 2024

Business Leader of the Year

How do I enter?

Nominate an individual or enter yourself.

Who is this Award for?

This award will be given to a business leader (director, company owner, founder, Chairman, Board member) that has made an outstanding contribution to their company. This individual will have led their company, providing inspiration to their teams, and showing demonstrable success whether through profit, team morale or by pivoting a business successfully. This individual will have brought their team with them on their journey.

This award will be judged on the following criteria

Entries do not need to address all criteria but should cover at least 3 points:

  • Evidence of how this leader has successfully steered their company
  • Evidence of how this leader supported their team
  • Evidence of how they brought their team on the journey
  • Evidence of a clear vision for the future

Entrants should submit recommendations from at least two referees.

Begin by outlining why you are entering this category, tell us briefly about your or the nominated individual’s career and what makes you or them qualify, then address the criteria which the Award will be judged on.

Entries now closed!

2024 entries closed

Nominations now closed

Thank you for all nominations received to date. Nominations for individuals and businesses are now closed, but you can still enter until the closing date!

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