BOSS Awards 2024

Service Provider of the Year

Who can enter this Award? 

This award can be entered by any business in the industry who has developed a successful service offering targeted at customers in the supply chain or the end user.

Please ensure that all criteria from the below list are addressed.  Please also provide us with evidence of the service provided, including examples of creative assets, marketing collateral, campaign programme and photos/videos where relevant.

Entries will be judged on:

  • Raising service awareness and profile
  • Service excellence
  • Originality
  • Increased revenue for service provider
  • Increased revenue for manufacturer/reseller/retailer
  • Innovative marketing of service
  • Supply chain cost reductions or service improvements

The structure that should be followed for each entry is:

  • Context/background of the company and the service
  • Main objectives of the service
  • Strategy/plan of action for promoting the service
  • Tactics and implementation activities including reseller/retailer engagement
  • Measurement and metrics
  • Results achieved and proof of success
  • Timeline of the campaign

Please use the enter now button below to navigate to our Awards platform and answer the questions asked. Additional supporting evidence can be uploaded. 

Entries now closed!

2024 entries closed

Nominations now closed

Thank you for all nominations received to date. Nominations for individuals and businesses are now closed, but you can still enter until the closing date!

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