BOSS Awards 2024

Unsung Hero Award

Who is this Award for? 

Credit for success in business often understandably goes to the leaders of their organisations. The hard work that goes in to delivering the results on the ground often goes unrecognised but can be equally important for achieving success. Nominated candidates for this BOSS award will be working at the sharp end of the business. They will demonstrate an outstanding level of commitment to getting the job done and the team will depend on their contribution. They will have supported the achievement of outstanding tangible results and they will be a role model for their peers and a champion of best practice and internal/external customer service.

How do I enter?

To nominate your colleague or member of your team for an Unsung Hero Award please use the enter now button below and answer the questions asked. We ask for: 

  • A description of the nominated person, their current role and career to date. 
  • Why you believe your nomination should win this award.
  • Qualities that set them apart from colleagues.
  • Examples of behaviours and contribution that have made a difference.
  • Endorsements and recommendations from colleagues, customers or suppliers (please provide a minimum of two endorsements).

Entries now closed!

2024 entries closed

Nominations now closed

Thank you for all nominations received to date. Nominations for individuals and businesses are now closed, but you can still enter until the closing date!

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