Forum Meeting Member Only

BOSS Synergy Group

The Synergy Group provides an opportunity for companies to meet and represent the issues and challenges relating to the business supplies industry data standards.

The forum provides a conduit where these issues can be discussed and fed back to the wider industry to drive consistent ways of operating.

The purpose of the group is:

  • Lowering the barriers to trade by providing compatibility and consistent data standards.
  • Encouraging improved efficiency, reducing data duplication, and encouraging cost reduction throughout the supply chain.
  • Introducing and maintaining a Uniform - a unified format to enable companies to supply product data in a format used by business supplies vendors and resellers. Click here to visit our Industry Standards section.
  • Evolving the data format to take account of product diversification and the increased need for additional environmental data.
  • Feeding information back into the trade on issues or opportunities affecting manufacturers, resellers, wholesalers and service providers.
  • Providing collaboration and communication opportunities to benchmark and compare information and knowledge.

All BOSS members are welcome to take part in meetings. To get involved, email