BOSS/GfK Panelmarket is a headline report showing the change in total values and volumes for 36 tracked products from the Office & Stationery sector, now split across two retail channels and one B2B channel (Systemhouses):
CES/MM/DIY (Consumer Electrical Specialists/ Mass Merchandisers/ DIY Superstores)
CS/OER/TCR (Computer Shops/ Office Equipment Retailers/ Telecoms Retailers)
SH (Systemhouses)
We have added a very brief headline summary document and an additional excel file containing data and charts showing monthly sales since 2018 (Panelmarket total and for the channels detailed above). This file provides a clear depiction of how the latest monthly sales compare with the previous few years.
For more information please contact Greg Allen, Client Insight Director, GfK on 0207 890 9285