BOSS / GfK Panelmarket Data

BOSS/GfK Panelmarket is a headline report showing the change in total values and volumes for 36 tracked products from the Office & Stationery sector, now split across two retail channels and one B2B channel (Systemhouses):

CES/MM/DIY (Consumer Electrical Specialists/ Mass Merchandisers/ DIY Superstores)

CS/OER/TCR (Computer Shops/ Office Equipment Retailers/ Telecoms Retailers)

SH (Systemhouses)

We have added a very brief headline summary document and an additional excel file containing data and charts showing monthly sales since 2018 (Panelmarket total and for the channels detailed above). This file provides a clear depiction of how the latest monthly sales compare with the previous few years.

For more information please contact Greg Allen, Client Insight Director, GfK on 0207 890 9285

BOSS GfK Panelmarket Chart Feb2025.png

BOSS/GfK Panelmarket - Summary for February 2025

Members only
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Greg Allen, Client Insights Director at GfK