HR Health Check

Our human resources platform provides you with an intuitive online tool, which will allow you to carry out a self-assessment Health Check to make sure that you stay on top of our recommended working practices.

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All organisations want to pride themselves in their HR management, but few measure themselves objectively and even fewer carry out independent reviews of their human resource practices.

Completed in 7 easy to follow steps

Our platform provides you with an intuitive online tool, which will allow you to carry out a self-assessment healthcheck to make sure that you stay on top of our recommended working practices.  It is easy to use, with 7 clear simple steps which will support and guide you through developing an extensive action plan for compliancy, with tools and resources at hand.

1.   Contact hello@bossfederation to request your healthcheck 

2.   Comlpete details of a personalised questionnaire

3.   Use the assisted descriptions to answer the question sections 

4.   Once your questions are completed, get your healthcheck results 

5.   Review your level of compliancy via your personalised report 

6.   You'll find your bespoke action plan based around the report recommendations

7. Recommendations are web-linked within the Action Plan, through to the BOSS Becoming Compliant Road Map for clear guidance and support

Ready to start your Health Check?



Our human resources platform provides you with an intuitive online tool, which will allow you to carry out a self-assessment health check to make sure that you stay on top of our recommended working practices. It is easy to use, with 7 clear simple steps which will support and guide you through developing an extensive action plan for compliancy, with tools and resources at hand.


  • In-depth review of current legislation compliance
  • Identification of shortfalls against accepted best practice
  • Clear report advising of corrective actions that need to be made or implemented
Community – Writing Instruments Association Gallery


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The BOSS HR health check is quick, easy and will provide you with a full gap analysis review of your current practices. In completing this, will provide you with a clear work-to list of actions to improve. 


  • Promotes best practice in HR
  • Identifies opportunities for specific improvements
  • Up to date on current legislation
  • Assists with tender documentation

For Platinum Members, we have industry expert advisers available to support you through this online process and can conduct the health check with you by taking you through each series of specified questions.

Once you have your action plan produced, our advisers can also work through the plan with you, or alternatively self-service yourself with the guidance that we have available.


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