A provider of Traineeships
Another exciting opportunity for young people to drive forward their career, and to engage new talent in the industry.
BOSS partner, the BPIF are excited to announce that we have now secured funding which will give our industry the opportunity to offer traineeship placements. This means we can now offer support to all incentives under the Government's plans for job schemes. A great opportunity to support young people, and get them motivated and set up for future employment.
What is a traineeship?
A traineeship is an opportunity for young people to develop skills and experience that may not have had the opportunity to develop so far and prepare them for an apprenticeship programme or other sustained employment. The programme is aimed at anyone aged between 19 and 24 with little to no work experience, has few qualifications and the motivation to take on a career.
It is an opportunity for someone, who is currently out of work, or just finishing school, to demonstrate their capabilities and prepare themselves for the workplace.
For some school leavers and young people, they may not have the experience or qualifications to go on to a direct apprenticeship, so the government traineeship initiative, is a perfect stepping stone to do so.
Young people that are selected for traineeships will spend 3 days a week with their employer, learning on the job, and understanding the workplace environment; with the remaining time spent gaining valuable qualifications that will support them though their career.

What is the criteria to sign up to a traineeship?
We are calling all young people that meet the below criteria to see how they may be able to sign up and develop a promising and exciting career:
- You are between the ages of 19-24, unless they have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP)
- Unemployed or work 16 hours or less a week, with little previous work experience
- Extremely motivated and have a strong desire to build a career
How does BOSS partner, the BPIF support Traineeships?
In addition to the government traineeship criteria, the BPIF takes the programme further to offer vocational courses in line with the support the young learner gets with their employer. Giving the trainee the best chance of securing sustainable employment.
Traineeship vocational courses, that will run alongside their employer placement will include:
- Award in Printing and Graphic Communications
- Award in Customer Service
- Award in Business and Administration
How to get involved as an employer?
BOSS partner, The BPIF will help support you in developing a 3 month traineeship programme that works in your business, giving you the opportunity to take on a young person and give them an amazing opportunity to develop in the workplace. Support will be offered to get involved and on board the trainee.
Whilst the trainee is developing the skills that they are learning on their vocational course, they will be able to apply this back to the workplace demonstrating their readiness to progress from their traineeship.
BOSS partner, The BPIF will also work with you, as an employer, and the trainee to develop a suitable progression path at the business for the trainee to progress further, this could include further courses or an apprenticeship.
For further information on how we can support you, as an employer setting up a traineeship in your business, contact Arun Madar, BPIF's Training Business Engagement Manager for further details.
How to get involved as a potential trainee?
Contact Arun Madar, BPIF's Training Business Engagement Manager, who will happily update you with the most recent traineeship updates and the application process.
To contact Arun, please email her at arun.madar@bpif.org.uk or call her on 07850 771 027.