31 Jul 2024
by Helen Dunn

BOSS Today: Issue 60

Resilient Leadership: Strategies For a Robust Workforce

In this issue we:

  • Ask key leaders to give their thoughts on how to develop employee resilience in the workplace.
  • Look forward to the 2024 Awards evening on 28th November, at an exciting new venue!
  • Review the inspiring LOTF conference that took place at ACCO on 13th June.
  • Update you on all the latest from Westminster and how BOSS is representing you there.
  • Analyse what a Labour Government means for business.
  • Interview new BOSS board member, Mark Wilkinson, Regional VP of ACCO UK.
  • Welcome The Cheeky Panda and Static Control Components into BOSS membership.
  • Provide Tips on overhead cost reduction and options for reducing costs in your businesses.
  • Look at stress in the workplace and how to combat it.
  • Share the latest upcoming events that BOSS and the business supplies industry are running.

The flip book is available to all and members can download the PDF file below: 


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