14 Sep 2023
by Liz Whyte

Coming Soon - 2024 Warrants Awards

The prestigious Stationers’ Company Warrant launched in 2014 and was established as a mark of recognition to highlight excellence within our industries. In 2023 the Stationers’ Company recognised a breadth of industry excellence spanning: Quality leather and bookbinding materials Service reviewing publisher content for students for its inclusivity and diversity messaging Digital typographical and branding design for a website Multitouch sensor solution using traditional print industry production processes for new markets and applications Pioneering programme addressing problems of waste in the papermaking industry with a zero-waste goal A warrant for your product or product range or service provides a unique opportunity to showcase your quality offering and differentiate you from others in your Sector.

What does a Warrant reflect?

 The Warrant is about recognising either a single product or product range or service that meets the following criteria: 

  • Original design and interpretation of service or product
  • High quality manufacturing/production techniques//digital techniques/digital design
  • Effective use of materials/technology and attention to detail
  • Appropriate and sustainable packaging or presentation suitable for its method of sale
  • Environmental credentials and compliance with ethical or relevant trading guidelines
  • Relevance to its industry or market sector

Each application will be evaluated against the criteria above by our judging panel.

What are the benefits?

As well as being able to use the Stationers’ Warrant crest, you will also benefit from the extensive promotional and communications campaign from the Stationers’ Company across industry press and through an active PR campaign about the event and the recipients, as well as harnessing the Warrant for your own marketing.

Two representatives from successful recipients will be invited to an event hosted by the Stationers’ Company.

In recent years the Stationers’ Company awarded  Warrants to:

  • Westchester Publishing Services Ltd
  • Novalia Ltd
  • Harmatan and Oakridge Leathers 2008 Ltd
  • F Smiths
  • Richard Chapman Ltd

How can a Warrant be used?

The Warrant crest and badging can be used on the product itself, its packaging and to promote a single product, product range or service. It can also form part of marketing and promotional activity and professional letterhead and email.  The Warrant applies to a single product or product range or service not to a company.  A company can apply for Warrants for more than one product, product range or service.

 Who can apply for a Warrant?

 Any company, whether a member of the Stationers’ Company or not, that represents one of our industry sectors can apply.  

Our Industry Sectors cover:

Archive/Library/Conservation:    Bookselling & Distribution:    Digital Media & Software:    Education:

Equipment Supplies & Print Machinery:   Magazine Publishing:   National Newpapers:   Office Products:

Packaging:   Paper:   PR/Advertising/Marketing Communications:   Publishing:   Stationery & Greeting Cards:


The Warrant is granted to a single product or product range or a service which does not need to be new to enter but must denote quality.

What does it cost to apply?

If an application is successful, after shortlisting and completion of the judging process, there is a non-refundable fee as detailed in the attached Terms and Conditions for each product or service successfully presented with a Warrant. We would encourage you to approach us to discuss the suitability of your product, product range or service before you apply. 

How long does it last?

The Warrant is awarded for the calendar year. It can continue to be used in conjunction with promotion of the Product Range or Product or Service, providing reference is made to the year of being a Warrant holder.

A Company that has been awarded a Warrant can submit their product or service to have their Warrant renewed.  Details of this process can be found in the Terms and Conditions

Who sits on the judging panel?

Christine Geer, Chair, Warrants Committee
Jill Jones, Chair, Industry Committee
Carol Tullo, Chair, Library and Archives Committee
Steve Harrop, Head of Commercial Nectare
Michael James, MD Dundale Associates
Robert Wilding, Young Stationers