Introducing the BOSS Synergy Team
The BOSS Standardisation & Technical Committee work on behalf of the entire industry and with representatives from across the industry the team develop standards to improve the efficiency of the supply chain by reducing costs and, in turn, maximising sales. These standards include Standard Product Attributes; the Industry Standard Product Classification Code and Standard Abbreviations.
In order to remain relevant to the industry and to bring about a greater understanding of what is actually done, the BOSS Standardisation & Technical Committee has decided to rebrand itself and change its name. It is now the BOSS Synergy Team, with a strap line of 'Minimising Costs - Maximising Sales'.
Work has recently started on a standard to alert the supply chain to discontinued products - long before orders are placed. If there is something that you feel would benefit from an industry-wide standard method - let the Team know! We are here to serve the industry by minimising costs and maximising sales.
For further information on standards, click here.